Did you know that 70% of people do not use an app that takes ages to load?

Many such stats open our eyes to the importance of mobile app testing, as launching an app is a daunting task. This is where the app testing comes into play to ensure that the application is flawless and works smoothly. With millions of apps available in App stores, it is easier for users to switch to another app if even a small thing goes wrong, resulting in a waste of your time and money.

We cannot predict the future of the app, hit or miss? No one knows that. But what we can ensure is creating an app that is efficient, fast, user-friendly, and informative. All this is possible if mobile app testing is done right. Keeping this in mind, we will guide you on everything related to app testing and the mobile app testing checklist in 2024. 

What is Mobile App Testing?

Starting with the basics, mobile app testing is a series of processes that have to be carried out to check the speed, functionality, and all over performance of an application. It is an extended but essential procedure, and skipping it is never suggested. The testing can be automated or manual and includes a wide variety of tests performed by skilled Quality Assurance teams or app testers. These tests are designed to target specific aspects of the app to enhance its overall performance. As 2024 approaches, mobile app testing has become vitally important and many new testing tools and frameworks have been developed to assist in catering to the testing requirements. 

Why is Mobile App Testing Important?

By the year 2026, the number of mobile users is expected to grow by 7.5 billion

These numbers make it a tough competition for apps to survive. A slight problem has to be taken care of mindfully, and it is only possible with an impeccable mobile app test. Some of the reasons that define the importance of mobile app testing are

  • With mobile app testing, you don’t have to worry about different testing devices, and it helps you save time and money. 
  • When app testing is perfectly executed using an app checklist, the application automatically turns out to be user-friendly and high-performing. 
  • When the app functions right, it only allows you to build a strong relationship with your clients and strengthen customer loyalty and your reputation in the industry. 
  • With the help of mobile app testing, your application has accurate UI/UX usability and leaves no room for error. 
  • Automated mobile app testing is the fastest way to test your app and saves you plenty of time. 

Mobile App Testing Checklist 2024

A mobile app testing checklist is a guideline that helps you carry out a smooth app testing procedure and ensures that the app is launched perfectly and reaches the right audience in 2024. Some of the key features of the app checklist include:

Set Testing Goals

Before you dive into testing your mobile application, it is pertinent to set your goals and targets beforehand to understand which direction you will head to. Your objectives may include a variety of factors such as the functions you want to perform, the type of testing you want to carry out, the testing procedures you may want to use, and on what metrics the performance of the application will be evaluated. When you define these objectives, the checklist will be accurate and =will help you outline your requirements in a better manner. 

Check Functional Requirements 

Functionality testing is a fundamental part of the app checklist because for any application it is essential that its functional requirements are properly met. Functional requirements may include the following

  • Response of the app during push notifications
  • Checking every form
  • Payment checking
  • Time-out testing
  • Adds that display in the app
  • Checking functionalities of sign up, sign in, and log in. 
  • Response of the app during intrusion.
  • Testing the web view of the app
  • Memory in use
  • Call rejections when running the app
  • App’s compatibility with OS and its versions, and the list goes on.

Security Test

The security of the application holds great importance, which is why it must not be neglected in the app checklist. You must check permission testing including gallery, microphone, camera, etc. In the fields section, you must check the password protection, whether the password is hidden by asterisks or not. Moreover, the passwords must not be publicly transmitted, and vulnerable files must be taken care of.  

Related: Easy Guide: How To Perform Manual Mobile Testing?

Compatibility Test

In the compatibility test, you must not forget to check the buttons and the links of devices and platforms. The behavior of the app has to be assessed when autocomplete is on and off or when background colors change across the screen. Moreover, basic functional checking must not be overlooked as well, including checking for buttons and links on many platforms and devices. UI issues are a strong part of compatibility testing as well, such as alignment issues, text color, background and foreground color, line breakage, and the app size with respect to all devices. 

Localization Testing

Localization testing includes testing the application for various numbers, locations, dates, local monetary forms, currency, and more. For this testing, the application is assessed via images and strings for different locations. So, what are you supposed to check for localization testing? The display of date, time, and formats. You must also check if the elements are correctly translated into the right languages. Moreover, the user must be able to change the language in the settings of the application according to their preferences. 

Usability Testing

The next one in the app checklist is usability testing, which refers to checking the apps to ensure they are easy to use and understand, especially when it comes to their responsiveness and engagement. It also includes enhancing the user experience, identification of bugs, and improving the overall performance of the app. 

For usability testing, you must keep in mind that the fonts and text are properly aligned, the messages have no grammatical errors, the current screen is returned to the right previous screen, the pixels and screen titles are correct, and all the features that are important to refine the user experience of the app are monitored well. 

Automation Testing

Automation testing is crucial and expensive, but if it is rightly executed, there is nothing better than this for saving time in QA. Considering the advancement in app development, automation has become a necessity in 2024. Automation in testing helps you increase the worth of the app by making it more lucrative and, eventually, generating a good ROI. Your testing can be automated using Appium, Test Complete, and Selenium while continuing manual testing on parts where it is required. 

The Bottom Line

The mobile app testing checklist is imperative in 2024 as it enables you to meet high-quality standards to provide the finest app. All you have to do is be mindful of all the key points mentioned in the app checklist, and you will be on your path to creating an efficient and lucrative app that can help you produce a generous ROI.